AIMing For Him

Philippians 4:13

Well after three weeks of moving into my apartment my teammate and I have finally be able to set up everything to have a fully functioning home. It's been somewhat hectic trying to figure out everything and I very thankful for all the people here in Blacktown and all around that have helped Jonathan and I to set up our new home.

In other news Jonathan and I have been involved with a study with one of the members from the church here on Thursday nights which I think has been benefited for us and has also been very beneficial to us. We have discussed things like the Lord's Supper and other broader questions because the man we are studying with has been in the church for some time but still has a lot of questions about things.

I was also able to lead our Sunday night discussion group this past Sunday, it was really great for me because I was able to have my lady and her family come down to take part in the study and also many others friends that I have meant and some that I hadn't met were able to come.

Please continue to pray for me and my teammate’s work here in Australia, at this point we are trying to find areas of outreach and service that we can do outside of what we are already doing. Please pray for all the churches here in Australia that they continue to grow in spirit and in truth. I ask also that you pray for Norm Sandvoss, he is the grandfather of my lady Elisha, he has been diagnosed with aggressive bone cancer and is slowly fading, please pray for his well being and that his family is comforted by knowing that he is going to heaven.

pray that God blesses each one of you; I thank you for the inspiration that you have been to me through your words and actions.

In Him,
Zachary W.

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