AIMing For Him

Philippians 3:14

I think that verse sums up very well what I have been doing lately in AIM. I mean although it has been some what of the same routine of classes, I am still pressing on toward the goal of completing AIM. I received a "report card" this past week and my grades are as follows:

Message of the O.T - 92
Life of Christ (Luke) - 99
Christian Evidences - 89
N.T Message - 84

So I think I did pretty well for myself considering I think those are the best grades I have ever made since early high school.

This past week I was off for Thanksgiving Break which I had quite an enjoyable time with because I got to sleep in, relax and do a whole lot of nothing for an entire week, which is not something we get to do often in AIM. The Friday before Thanksgiving Break we had an all day prayer session which was really awesome; I spent about two hours alone in prayer and then another 1 1/2 with an accountability partner in prayer and accountability. I really hope to plan some kind of all day prayer session when I come back for Christmas break because it was such an amazing experience and I want to share it with the youth group at Metro or really anyone who wants to do it.

Well since this post is so close to Thanksgiving I thought I would take some space and tells you truly how thankful I am for your support and prayers in my journey in AIM. I want to also thank my family for raising me to be the man I am today and for being supportive of my decision to come to AIM. My other AIMers have family that did not support their decision to come to AIM and I have talked with a couple of these AIMers and they tell me of the difficulty they have with their family because of the decision they made to come to AIM. I am also grateful for the wonderful and amazing Metro Church of Christ, I tell other AIMers about Metro and they are almost surprised about how I describe it, Metro truly is a one of a kind church that I am so happy to be apart of and hopefully one day be able to work with in some shape or form. So thank you everyone who reads this blog in just taking the day out of your day to read and care about me.

In Christ,
Zachary W.

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