AIMing For Him

Preach The Word

So this post week has really been great. Last Wednesday I spoke in chapel, which we have every morning before classes, with another AIMer named Josh, we spoke about 1 Timothy 4:12 and about how to be an example to believers as we are to unbelievers. Well it made me laugh afterwards because one of our teachers named Ed Wharton, who is a very "strong willed" man, came up to Josh and I and told us that we were true preachers of the Gospel and that we should continue to teach in the name of our Lord or something to that extent, needless to say it was a quite touching experience. I also found it pretty funny when people told me that a comment I made during my part of the lesson about Galatians made Ed bust out laughing, which is a shame because I didn't get to see it.

Then this past Sunday I, with my area church group, were able to go to a youth rally which I enjoyed greatly. It was kind of disheartened to us because none of the youth from our church at Dimmit were able to go but still we had loads of fun and I got to know youth from other churches in the Texas area that I will hopefully be seeing again at the next youth rally that is being held.

Well right now I am going to study for an Ed Wharton Test that is tomorrow which I'm feeling very confident about because I received a 95 on the last test which is indefinitely a great accomplishment. Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

In Christ,
Zach W.

Adventures in Dimmit

Well today I went to my area church in Dimmit, Texas and I got to lead Youth Class. It was defintetly quite interesting because their youth group is only about 12 to 15 people, but still I thought it went great. I taught about the feeding of the 5000+ in John 6:1-15 and although the class was kind of timid about answering questions I think the message of the passage got across. After Youth Class we had regular services and then potluck. Potluck was wonderful, I remember back at Sanford COC we had potlucks all the time and it had been so long since I had one, but boy howdy was there some good food. After potluck we visited with some ladies at the nursing home and that was really great, we spent probably around an hour visiting with them. Then we headed back to the churc and my friend Adam and I spent some time hanging out with some of the guys in the youth group playing video games. Afterwards we had a kind of prayer sessions/devo time with the guys and we all had dinner together. Finally we took some pictures outside and headed home. Here are a couple of pictures of our Area Church group:

Thanks to Brandon for the pictures. All in all it was a it was a very eventful day and I can't wait for next week. Tomorrow we have a free day because of Labor day and then on Tuesday we are heading off to Mountainview, New Mexico for the rest of the week, for a retreat and that is going to be awesome. Thanks, as always for your prayers and support in my endeavors. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, what a great saying from such a great man of God.

In Christ,
Zach W.

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