About me
- We are newlyweds, loving life and loving each other. We live in NSW, Australia. We were married Sept 17, 2007. We met in a mission program in Lubbock, Tx and couldnt be more blessed.
- My Profile
Hey man, I like your site a lot. It's very simple, but real nice...it's classy. A+ in my book. Oh, and I'm serious about liking that you spelled out f-o-r. The poor numeral four is so exploited these days. I think numeral eight comes in second.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that I'm glad that you're year, and that your and Pat's story is incredible. I remember when he got back from that trip last year and was telling us. So cool, so cool.
Okay man, I'll talk to you later.
I meant to say that I'm glad you're *here*.
Sorry about that.