Well I'll be on way to Texas tonight or early tomorrow morning and I figured that this would be a good time to start this blog. I am really excited about this entire experience and I know that God is leading me to AIM to do great things. I want to thank all of you who have helped me with support and having been praying for me. It's awesome to have such a great church family at Metro and I pray that where ever this life takes me that I am always reminded where I have came from. I am somewhat sad that I'm going to be leaving my friends and family for quite a while but I know that only good can come from all of this and I know that the people I am going to meet in AIM are going to be awesome. I guess I should get back to packing now and getting fully prepared for the drive over to Texas. Thank you all for what you have done for me.
In Christ,
Zach W.
In Christ,
Zach W.
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